60 Second Film- I Can’t Cook


My short film is about me trying to make cookies. I am not very talented at cooking or baking and never try to make things from scratch. I’m trying to learn how to cook better so I made this film showing my journey. My logline was ‘me trying to make cookies when I’m bad at cooking.” My goal for this film was to hopefully show that baking is fun and even if you think things fail it might still be good!


  • What things should I work on?
  • Were the words in the film distracting or were they good for context?

Dylan: I would say the main thing to work on is other camera angles, since they were pretty much the same throughout. Lighting was good, I think the words were fine though there could have been less of them throughout. Great job!

Justin: I guess font choice was good invoking an informal look

Aidan: I think a dramatic change in music hen the cookies turnout bad would be funny. It would also be funny if you gave one of your cookies to someone and we saw there reaction. I like the idea of texts on the screen because it reminds me of a video for cooks on how not to cook.